Is Your Content Inspired or Deathly Boring?

The decades old problem marketers are still struggling to tackle is how to write content that inspires. Shameless self-promotional content and reposting everyone else’s content will only get you so far. Original content is obviously the preferred method, but how do we write content that our audiences will find interesting and share-worthy? Let’s find out!

Write to Inspire Action or Evoke Emotion

This may seem obvious, but it’s an often overlooked aspect of content writing. Your goal needs to be to get some sort of reaction out of your readers; it can be to visit your website, share your content or anything in between. Just make sure you’re writing for the readers and not just yourself.

According to Andrew Davis from Brandscaping, we need to create content that inspires passion in our readers. Compel them to continue reading and to want to learn more. He suggests that every customer journey starts with inspiration and your content can be the ignitor. Keep this in mind and get writing!

Know Who You’re Writing for

It can easy to be caught up in trying to write interesting content that we often forget that we’re writing for our readers and not ourselves. While it’s important to be authentic, it’s also crucial that we understand who is going to see our content. Are they millennials looking to buy? C-suite executives looking to learn about latest marketing trends? Understand the tone and information your audience wants and write for them. After all, who doesn’t love reading a message tailored specifically to them?

Be Brief or Be Scannable

Thanks to social media, specifically Twitter, we can now digest information in under 140 characters. We are more likely to read something short than a five-page article on marketing. So how do you get your point across in 140 characters? Either master your message in that many characters or, what we prefer to do, make it easy to scan your article. No one wants to read long posts anymore. They want to scan articles and get the point quickly. Your readers will thank you.

Pretty Pictures

Remember those days as a kid when you would read book after book full of pictures? There’s a reason you loved those books so much! Pictures break up text and, if done correctly, they can be informational as well. Hello, infographics! Boagworld suggests featuring beautiful photos that are relevant to what you’re writing about to help make your content more enjoyable for your readers.

Content writing is an art that requires constant tweaking. There’s no guarantee of mastery, but the above tips can certainly help get you there. Your readers will be impressed and inspired, which we all know means wins down the line. We work with clients to create compelling social media content and would love to hear from you if you’re struggling to master the art of content writing!


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Black Bear Design: Black Bear Design is a full service web design, internet marketing and graphic design company located in Atlanta, GA.

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