How to Use a Monthly Newsletter to Reach Customers

By now most companies have an extensive client email database.  Unfortunately in many cases this medium is overlooked as a powerful and inexpensive source for marketing.   

How do you reach out to your clients regularly without trying to sell something every time the phone is dialed.  The trick is to get your name in front of as many eyes as often as possible without becoming a nuisance.  A monthly newsletter does just this by creating a non-aggressive presence for the recipient available to them on a regular basis.  A monthly newsletter emphasizes organization and interest in conveying news about the company while respecting the busy schedule of those targeted. 

Most people process information in small chunks so for more in depth subjects, break it up into a series.  If the article gets them interested, they will look forward to Part II next month.  Incorporate a visual aspect to it as well.  Spend time designing something that is descriptive to the eye, formatted with imagery.  

Cinnamon Shore Newsletter

New product or service?  Talk about it

Outstanding customer support team? Brag about them

Complex business solution?  Teach it

Upcoming event?  Let them know about it

Encourage Feedback – “How can we improve?”  Allow for any open dialogue opportunities with clients for the eventual upsell

Cross market with existing clients, showcase a new one every month

Allow the newsletter to become interactive.  Give the reader an incentive, for example, a promotional coupon or 10% off discount, make it more than just a good read

Most importantly, have fun with it.  Its free, easy and a great way to keep your name in front of your clients


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Joel Black: Joel loves the internet and how it's such a large part of everyday life! Give him a whiteboard and dry erase marker and he will keep himself busy for a while.

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