I Am Shouting As Loud As I Can, But No One Can Hear Me!

If you are a parent, this may resonate with you well.  You tell your child to clean their room or pick up their clothes several times and it doesn’t get done.  Then you confront them and they act like they are hearing it for the first time.  Do you ever feel this with your internet marketing strategy?  You post content, tweet, buy clicks and use every trick in the book, yet see no results? 

I was in a meeting recently with a potential client, which included the marketing team from the prospects company.  I was excited about the meeting, I had great ideas as well as a preliminary marketing strategy  I was presenting.  As I was presenting my ideas, I started to get the feeling that I was losing the attention of my audience.   I’ll catch you up with the outcome in a second, I want to look at the similarity in losing your audience in a meeting and losing your audience online.

When you lose your audience in a meeting, you know immediately.  You might see them checking their phones, email or doodling pictures on their notepads.    When you lose your audience online,  it’s not obvious so quickly.   You might see traffic  slowly drop on your website, your content is not getting shared as much, and ultimately your sales drop.   By the time this happens, it could be too late to make a change.  So how do you keep from losing them?

The single most important way to keep from losing your audience’s attention is to be relevant to what they need.  The only way to be relevant to what they need is to know what they need.  The only way to know what they need is to ask them, and most of the time, that is much harder than what it seems.  This is where marketing based on behaviors will help you stay relevant.

Marketing Based on Behaviors

Marketing based on behaviors can help you stay relevant to the changing life cycles of your customers.  As you send eblast, create blog post and develop landing pages on your website, your customers can move through different list by clicking on content within those channels.  Your customers and prospects consume the content that is relevant to them, in essence, telling you what they want more of. 

Back to my meeting today, it ended up very well!  I threw out several ideas, in which I did start to lose attention of the president.  I presented a few too many details, which is one of the things I try not to do.  The marketing team really took hold to one of the ideas, it was relevant to a need they had and the season of their business.  We dug deep into this idea and brainstormed the foundation for a pretty remarkable marketing campaign.


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Joel Black: Joel loves the internet and how it's such a large part of everyday life! Give him a whiteboard and dry erase marker and he will keep himself busy for a while.

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