3 Benefits of Inbound Marketing

The benefits of inbound marketing techniques is growing among businesses. According to Inbound Marketing Agents, 32% of brands are reducing their outbound marketing budgets in favor of inbound marketing. But how exactly can inbound marketing help you?

Inbound marketing can help you in your core objective of generating leads and improving sales. In particular, your business will benefit from:

  • Higher ROI
  • Brand Authority
  • More Qualified Sales Leads
  • Lower Cost Per Acquisition

The Benefits Of Inbound Marketing – Higher ROI

The ROI of inbound marketing is higher than that of outbound marketing. Given that prospects look for you when they need the product or service you offer, the sales closing rate is higher. Inbound marketing enables businesses to generate leads at a lower cost than outbound marketing. This is mainly because most of the marketing is done online, and is significantly cheaper than outbound marketing. Mashable reports that inbound marketing costs 62% less per lead than outbound marketing.

Most customers research products online before they buy. If your website provides valuable information that resonates well with the prospects, they will trust you and this will warm them up for future purchases.

Enhance Your Brand and Authority With Inbound Marketing

Your brand refers to how your prospects and other parties that interact with you perceive your business. You cannot determine how your market will perceive your business but you can influence their perception. How do you do this? Through inbound marketing.

When you connect with prospects online, provide quality educational and entertaining content adds value to their lives. Creating quality content will help to enhance your brand online and bring you out as a thought leader in your industry. With an enhanced brand, it will be easy to make sales. According to the Custom Content Council, 61% of people are more likely to buy from a brand that delivers valuable content to them.

Generate More Leads and Sales With Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing can help you generate high quality leads online. For your website to generate leads, it has to be found on search engines. But more than this, the website should be ranking high for your target keywords. After creating and optimizing your website for SEO, you need to create inbound links to improve its ranking.

Creating high quality content and sharing it across social media networks like Facebook and Twitter helps to drive visitors and generate inbound links. Statistics by HubSpot show that B2B companies that blog often have 97% more links than those that do not.

When prospects stop by your website, you have to lead them to your sales funnel and nurture them to become customers. Inbound marketing strategies such as email marketing and content creation will help you nurture the leads to move them further down the sales funnel.

Inbound marketing is crucial in today’s marketing environment. With consumers having more control on the information they consume, inbound marketing techniques enable businesses to reach their prospects in a targeted and relevant manner that helps to enhance their brand, generate leads and improve sales.


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Joel Black: Joel loves the internet and how it's such a large part of everyday life! Give him a whiteboard and dry erase marker and he will keep himself busy for a while.

View Comments (3)

  • Hi Joel. This blog expresses what I have been telling my small business peers. We need to attract customers to us by creating valuable content. I am following your lead and trying to determine how I can add more value to my target audience which are emerging businesses - those who are just starting off with a shoe-string budget - after all, I am one of them as well. lol! We have really been looking into the art of blogging. Thanks so much for presenting these ROI statistics and encouragement. After all, it might not cost us money, rather time; but since we are newbies, time is our greatest asset. I appreciate you.

  • Charly, thanks for the kind words! Everyone carries knowledge in something. If we can share that with each other, who knows, maybe it will help. You are right on point that blogging doesn't cost (unless you have someone else do it), although it does require time. If there is one thing we are all on the same playing field with, that is time! We have to budget our time and make it productive.

  • Great article, we all know that this stuff works but convincing non marketers that inbound is the way to go is hard. Especially when all the know is the traditional outbound approaches.

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