Facebook Business Page Overhaul and Insights

Facebook accidentally launched a major overhaul of business pages Thursday.  I was lucky enough to be doing some ‘work’ at the same time they made this mistake.  When I logged into my business page, I was prompted to assign my page to a login.  If this is the ability to assign username and passwords to pages, this has been long overdue.

Another major update was the layout, it looks like the new personal pages that were just released last week, with no comment box and the links on the left side under the picture.  I am crossing my fingers that business pages will get comment notifications like personal pages do now, that would be the best present of all.

The single most exciting addition I saw was the ability to pull Facebook insights from your webpage and blog!  When I tried to log into my insights, I was offered the option to pull insights from my website by putting a Facebook meta tag on it.  So I can now gather all the detailed information facebook has access to on my website users as well.

This is very exciting news in the web and SEO world.  Facebooks statistical information on my web users.  Not sure what kind of privacy issues this will cause, but for now, I am glad to hear about theses new business friendly features from Facebook

My friends over at Mashable just released some additional features seen by some of their users that appear to be very interesting including ‘Memories’ and Lightbox for Facebook.


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Joel Black: Joel loves the internet and how it's such a large part of everyday life! Give him a whiteboard and dry erase marker and he will keep himself busy for a while.

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