What Else Is On TV?

Just the other day I was in a meeting with my CEO peer group and we had a guest speaker in named Joe Calhoon.  Joe was a very motivational speaker with an inspirational story.  He had so many great ideas and words of wisdom, I couldn’t even begin to go into them here.  But I would reccomend his latest book, “The One Hour Plan To Growth.”  You can pick that up at Joe’s website if you’re interested in a great business read.

During all the great advice, Joe had a side note to one of his stories that was actually a quote from Jeff Foxworthy, which I also recently saw at an All Pro Dad’s breakfast.  Jeff Foxworthy also has a very inspirational story if you ever have the chance to hear it first hand.  But back to the story, the quote that Joe mentioned was that, women want to see what’s on TV, while guys want to see what ELSE is on TV.

At first, this made me chuckle, because I am guilty.  I will look through every single channel in the channel guide three or four times, pick something, then go right back to the guide and keep looking.  But then I thought, is there a lesson I can learn from this joke.  The answer was an astounding ah-hah moment for me.  Let me explain how this made so much sense, and was so simple to relate to my business.

We do an awesome job at logo design, and we do an awesome job at web design.  I’m not tooting my own horn, it’s the team that does such great work.  If i’m tooting a horn, i’m tooting theirs.  So it’s safe to say that we have a great program on the channel, one definitely worth watching.  As we grow, Im looking at other companies and watching the services they are providing.  They are providing printing, PR, Social Networking, Copywriting and a full line up of other impressive services.  I’m looking at all these other channels on the line-up and wondering how I can add them to mine. I even managed to added a few myself, none of which were very profitable.

The side-note joke hit me so hard I needed a passport to get back to my seat.  I have been trying to find what else is on TV, rather than taking the channel that was playing right in front of my face and making it the best channel on earth!  The very next day the team gathered and committed to Create Remarkable & Personal Brand Experiences.

Are you looking for what else is on TV?  If you are, take a second and think about what show, or service, or customer or product you are best at.  Turn to that channel as quickly as you can and hide the remote in the couch cushion where no one will find it for at least a week.  Then make that channel better than any other channel on earth!



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Joel Black: Joel loves the internet and how it's such a large part of everyday life! Give him a whiteboard and dry erase marker and he will keep himself busy for a while.

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